What is the ENS Subgraph?
The Graph & Graph Node
The Graph leads development of Graph Node, an open source software application for indexing blockchain data.
Each Graph Node server can run any number of “subgraphs”. Each subgraph is essentially a plugin describing:
- A strategy for how the Graph Node should index blockchain data.
- A schema for a GraphQL API providing access to the indexed data.
ENS Subgraph
ENS Labs has led development of the ENS Subgraph. So far this has been the “official” strategy for indexing ENS data. Additional background info is available in official ENS docs.
Graph Network
Operating your own Graph Node server instance can be complex, expensive, and time consuming. An alternative is to use The Graph’s semi-decentralized network of indexers operating Graph Node instances.
This network provides access to a semi-decentralized ENS Subgraph. Developers are welcome to use this rate limited API endpoint above for testing, but are highly encouraged to sign up for an account with The Graph to get their own (paid) API key.
NameHash Labs Hosted Graph Node Instance
As an alternative to the Graph Network, NameHash Labs operates an independent Graph Node instance. This is currently being freely offered to the ENS community without need for API keys or rate limiting. It can be found at https://graphnode.namehashlabs.org:8030. An interactive GraphQL Playground is also available.
This server is running Graph Node version 0.33.0. The latest Graph Node release (as of this writing) is version 0.36.0, however it is understood that this version update has no impact on the data being indexed.
NameHash Labs Hosted ENS Subgraphs
Our Graph Node instance indexes the ENS Subgraph. The live status can be monitored with the indexing status API endpoint. Subgraph Id: QmVsj1tYQ84DZH3NHAbZKjQ5agQ5Gt6VusUBf67CU32FWP
- As of the time of writing this wiki page:
- This is the latest version of the ENS Subgraph, published Feb 15, 2024.
- The subgraph is fully synced with the latest block on mainnet.
- Interactive GraphiQL Explorer
This Subgraph Id is understood to be distinct from the “official” hosted ENS subgraph because it is associated with our own hosted Graph Node instance that is not participating in The Graph’s distributed network of indexers.