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ENSRainbow Typescript Client SDK

ENSRainbow provides an official TypeScript client SDK to simplify integrations with the API. You can find the SDK package at @ensnode/ensrainbow-sdk.

The SDK provides a simple, type-safe interface for all API endpoints and handles proper formatting of labelhashes and error handling.

ENSRainbow SDK

TypeScript library for interacting with the ENSRainbow API.

Learn more about ENSRainbow and ENSNode.

API Reference

Heal Label

Attempt to heal a labelhash to its original label.

const response = await client.heal(
// Output:
// {
// status: "success",
// label: "vitalik"
// }

Label Count

Get Count of Healable Labels

const response = await client.count();
// {
// "status": "success",
// "count": 133856894,
// "timestamp": "2024-01-30T11:18:56Z"
// }

Health Check

Simple verification that the service is running, either in your local setup or for the provided hosted instance

const response = await;
// {
// "status": "ok",
// }

Response Types & Error Handling

Each API endpoint has a designated response type that includes a successful and an erroneous response to account for possible mishaps that could occur during a request.

Below is an example of a failed heal operation, that shows the resulting error returned by the SDK

const notFoundResponse = await client.heal(
// Output:
// {
// status: "error",
// error: "Label not found",
// errorCode: 404
// }

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Licensed under the MIT License, Copyright © 2025-present NameHash Labs.

See LICENSE for more information.