Subgraph Compatibility Tooling
The tools in the ens-subgraph-transition-tools repository help users verify ENSNode’s subgraph-compatibility.
— verify subgraph-equivalant data via snapshots at specific blockheightsproxy-eq
— verify live query compatibility & easing migrations from the Subgraph to ENSNode by identifying any response discrepancies while using an app in real-time
See the ens-subgraph-transition-tools README for additional context and usage instructions.
When running the snapshot
tool, extremely inefficient OFFSET
) based queries are executed to paginate through every resource in the database. The duration of these queries increases as OFFSET
grows, quickly becoming untenable.
A stop-gap solution is to CLUSTER
all of the tables before taking a snapshot, which re-orders the rows on-disk by their id, which is how the queries are ordered and executed. This drastically improves query times for large OFFSET
s by 5x or 10x.
Ponder-compatible CLUSTER
The following is a helper to cluster every table in a ponder index schema (i.e. DATABASE_SCHEMA=public
) by its primary key index. Run this before performing a snapshot against ENSNode.
-- Function to generate and execute CLUSTER commands for public tablesCREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cluster_all_tables() RETURNS void AS $$DECLARE table_record record; table_name text; primary_index text; cluster_command text;BEGIN -- Loop through tables in public schema only FOR table_record IN SELECT c.relname as table_name, (SELECT ci.relname FROM pg_class ci WHERE ci.oid = i.indexrelid) as index_name FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace -- Join with pg_index to get primary key indexes JOIN pg_index i ON i.indrelid = c.oid WHERE -- Regular tables only c.relkind = 'r' -- Only public schema AND n.nspname = 'public' -- Exclude tables starting with underscore AND c.relname NOT LIKE '\_%' -- Primary key indexes only AND i.indisprimary ORDER BY c.relname LOOP table_name := table_record.table_name; primary_index := table_record.index_name;
IF primary_index IS NOT NULL AND primary_index != '' THEN -- Build and execute CLUSTER command cluster_command := format('CLUSTER %I USING %I', table_name, primary_index);
RAISE NOTICE 'Executing: %', cluster_command;
-- Execute the CLUSTER command EXECUTE cluster_command;
-- Log completion RAISE NOTICE 'Clustered table % using index %', table_name, primary_index; ELSE RAISE NOTICE 'Skipping table % - no valid primary key index found', table_name; END IF; END LOOP;
RAISE NOTICE 'All public tables have been clustered successfully.';END;$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- Execute the function to cluster all tablesSELECT cluster_all_tables();