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Subgraph Compatibility Tooling

The tools in the ens-subgraph-transition-tools repository help users verify ENSNode’s subgraph-compatibility.

  1. snapshot-eq — verify subgraph-equivalant data via snapshots at specific blockheights
  2. proxy-eq — verify live query compatibility & easing migrations from the Subgraph to ENSNode by identifying any response discrepancies while using an app in real-time

See the ens-subgraph-transition-tools README for additional context and usage instructions.


When running the snapshot tool, extremely inefficient OFFSET (skip) based queries are executed to paginate through every resource in the database. The duration of these queries increases as OFFSET grows, quickly becoming untenable.

A stop-gap solution is to CLUSTER all of the tables before taking a snapshot, which re-orders the rows on-disk by their id, which is how the queries are ordered and executed. This drastically improves query times for large OFFSETs by 5x or 10x.

Ponder-compatible CLUSTER function

The following is a helper to cluster every table in a ponder index schema (i.e. DATABASE_SCHEMA=public) by its primary key index. Run this before performing a snapshot against ENSNode.

-- Function to generate and execute CLUSTER commands for public tables
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION cluster_all_tables() RETURNS void AS $$
table_record record;
table_name text;
primary_index text;
cluster_command text;
-- Loop through tables in public schema only
FOR table_record IN
c.relname as table_name,
(SELECT ci.relname
FROM pg_class ci
WHERE ci.oid = i.indexrelid) as index_name
FROM pg_class c
JOIN pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
-- Join with pg_index to get primary key indexes
JOIN pg_index i ON i.indrelid = c.oid
-- Regular tables only
c.relkind = 'r'
-- Only public schema
AND n.nspname = 'public'
-- Exclude tables starting with underscore
AND c.relname NOT LIKE '\_%'
-- Primary key indexes only
AND i.indisprimary
ORDER BY c.relname
table_name := table_record.table_name;
primary_index := table_record.index_name;
IF primary_index IS NOT NULL AND primary_index != '' THEN
-- Build and execute CLUSTER command
cluster_command := format('CLUSTER %I USING %I',
RAISE NOTICE 'Executing: %', cluster_command;
-- Execute the CLUSTER command
EXECUTE cluster_command;
-- Log completion
RAISE NOTICE 'Clustered table % using index %',
RAISE NOTICE 'Skipping table % - no valid primary key index found',
RAISE NOTICE 'All public tables have been clustered successfully.';
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- Execute the function to cluster all tables
SELECT cluster_all_tables();