Using ENSNode's API
ENSNode exposes two GraphQL endpoints:
— uses a Ponder-native GraphQL schema/subgraph
— uses a subgraph-compatible GraphQL schema
ENSNode also exposes Ponder’s @ponder/client
API endpoint at /sql/*
GraphiQL Playground
To observe the full schema and play with each GraphQL API, use the provided GraphiQL Playground for each.
GraphQL Examples
Fetch data about the three most recently-created domains.
Ponder-native API (/ponder
{ domains(orderBy: "createdAt", orderDirection: "desc", limit: 3) { items { name expiryDate } }}
{ "data": { "domains": { "items": [ { "name": "ensanguo.eth", "expiryDate": "1758170255" }, { "name": "fiffer.eth", "expiryDate": "2041994243" }, { "name": "rifaisicilia.eth", "expiryDate": "1758170039" } ] } }}
Subgraph-compatible API (/subgraph
{ domains(orderBy: createdAt, orderDirection: desc, first: 3) { name expiryDate }}
{ "data": { "domains": [ { "name": "ensanguo.eth", "expiryDate": "1758170255" }, { "name": "fiffer.eth", "expiryDate": "2041994243" }, { "name": "rifaisicilia.eth", "expiryDate": "1758170039" } ] }}